
How to warm up before running


If you don’t want to get hurt when running, you must warm-up before running!

There are 6 benefits you can feel when you warm up before running
1.It can raise our body temperature, reduce the viscosity of soft tissues, and reduce the possibility of muscle strain.

2.Activate muscle vitality, make muscles stronger and stronger, run faster.

3.Wake up the vitality of the heart and lungs, shorten the time to enter the best physical state, and achieve a better exercise effect.

4.Promote the secretion of synovial fluid in the joints and avoid pain in joints such as knees due to stiffness.

5.Let the internal organs of the body adapt to the rhythm of the exercise that is about to begin, and reduce the “chaotic phenomenon” (exercise stomach pain).

6.Make the nervous system more sensitive and more focused during running to avoid accidental falls.


It is necessary to warm up before exercise, which helps us lubricate the joints of our body, stretch and relax our muscles, and adjust the heart and lungs. But a wrong warm-up is worse than no warm-up, such as the following actions


Since warming up is still so easy to get injured, many runners do not know the standard warm-up action, so jog for some time before exercising, which has become the warm-up choice for most people. Jogging is not a substitute for warming up

The mainstream view of modern sports science is jogging-muscle dynamic traction-special warm-up.Since warming up is still so easy to get injured, many runners do not know the standard

Warm-up starts with jogging, but jogging is not all of the warm-ups. The dynamic traction of muscles refers to the repeated traction of the muscles many times through specific actions.

The special warm-up is even simpler. To play basketball, you must first catch the ball and shoot to warm up; play football to warm up with a shot; play badminton to warm up with a swing.


So how should you warm up for running? The following is a complete set of warm-up actions before running for communication and learning.
Do each of the following actions for 10-15 seconds, and one set is OK.

Dynamic traction on the front of the thigh

Dynamic traction on the back of the thigh

Dynamic calf stretch

Dynamic hip stretch

Step forward and backward the step mat

Appel high leg lifts


Running is to make the body healthier, so it is necessary to warm up before running.If you don’t have time to warm up and run for the sake of running, you will only gain mileage, but it will bring physical damage. Find the best way to warm up for yourself, so that you no longer have the risk of injury, run more confidently, and run happily!

Post time: Sep-17-2021